Be Simply You – How I Stay Motivated
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication; Leonardo Da Vinci said it first. I try and live by this mantra, in my lifestyle, work and personal style… In an age where “being extra” is hip, I struggle to understand the concept of what’s cool lately. Call me old school. 😉
When I go off track I remind myself of these 3 tips below, it helps me stay sane in this crazy world.
1. Don’t go against your grain
This sounds simple, but, just be yourself, unapologetically you. In fact, try and be the best version of you, because we know that’s a journey we are all on. And when you are not being that best version of yourself, then just live and enjoy the moment. We all strive to reach our own understanding of perfection, but there are days and moments when things go down hill, and that’s OK. Sometimes we just gotta take it easy, and not be so hard on ourselves! Most importantly, just being you will attract the right kinda people into your life, and that’s what’s most important.
2. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side – tend to your garden first
Often we get caught up on social media and you end up losing hours doing nothing that contributes to your life. In fact, I often end up thinking how lame and boring my life is compared to others. This isn’t healthy at all, it sucks your motivation and positivity dry. Rather start your day thinking about your goals and what drives you, then put on those blinkers and spend your time creating that vision. Focus on you and you’ll be OK, you will need all the energy you can get, which leads me to tip number 3.
3.Take time to do you boo
By now you should know what personality type you are, I have always thought of myself as in introver, I used to be quiet and shy around large groups yet I enjoy socialising. When I mention it to friends they don’t believe me because I come across as chatty, especially when speaking about a topic I’m passionate about. Until one day my friend brought the term ambivert to my attention, basically it’s someone who falls between and intro and extrovert. I enjoy socializing but I also really enjoy staying home with a good movie and snacks of course. I enjoy it because it energises me and keeps my spirits up. My point is, do you boo. Whether an introvert, extrovert or ambivert like me, do what energisies you, it really helps you stay motivated and happy.
I did a fun shoot recently, and got to mix my two loves, fashion and decor. The look I chose was really simple, but I felt super sophisticated and sexy wearing it. If I could explain through a look, where I am in my journey right now, this would be it. Sophisticated enough to say “take me seriously” and comfortable enough to do your everyday business errands.
What’s your ideal outfit for comfort and sophistication?
Also, what are your go to’s for staying motivated? Comment down below, I would love to add a few more to my list!
All images shot by Trudy Van Rooy from Tru-Tru Blog
Go show her some love 🙂
Jeans – Levi 501
Shirt – Cotton On
Shoes – Daily Friday – Superbalist
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